At our new on-site Rockaway shop, you can find all the goodies we provide online - Chapel of Unrest memberships, T-shirts, hoodies, ceramics, prints, tote bags, badges, patches, zines and more. Plus, there's a range of T-shirts, cards, prints and zines to browse by resident and guest artists.
Our merchandise is made from ethically sourced and sustainable materials, and created with solar powered energy wherever we can. Some of these items may seem expensive, but they are all top quality, fairly traded and earth positive. In buying them, you help support the people and places that created them.
Rockaway Merchandise
All Chapel of Unrest membership options, including tees, hoodies, posters, back patches and mugs, can be found on the Chapel website HERE!
Rockaway Prints
Rockaway Online Courses
The aim of these courses is to provide affordable and accessible activities for anyone, anywhere in the world. Consisting of engaging video content with key stages to follow, they focus on subjects like your health and wellbeing, developing your creative practice and learning new skills.
When you take part in one of our courses, not only are you learning and growing with talented and experienced guides, you're also supporting creative practitioners and helping them to keep going! With sustainable practice, artists, crafters, makers, health experts and teachers are able to create more content, as well as develop as both practitioners and mentors.
So, thank you for supporting creative practitioners!
Coming soon...
Write The Way Up! Finding Story Ideas
"Would those who say it can't be done, please stand clear of those doing it"